Heart Head Healing (HHH) (2004 and ongoing)

Heart Head Healing (HHH) (2004 and ongoing)

An civic initiative to unite the people in action towards those beleaguered by pushoversof calamities. It is a need-based program to collate information through crediblesources and mobilize resources my means of a well-co-ordinated, cost-conscious anddirect network of those concerned and grassroots workers-organisations working withthe affected. Initiated during the Tsunami disaster of 2004, and extended to Jammu &Kashmir post 2014 floods, HHH has evolved a three- pronged response towardscatastrophes:

Heart - Empowering with immediate relief.

Head - Putting in place systems for disaster mitigation.

Healing - Developing sustainable short & long term rehabilitation programs.

Volunteers energy, drive and passion provide the fuel for many great initiatives.