Sasian (South Asian) Journey (2015 and ongoing)

Sasian (South Asian) Journey (2015 and ongoing)

A statement of true creative democracy, the trans-disciplinary programme offers aformidable international mandate to present the contemporary aspirations of SouthAsian peoples from indelibly connected races and nations whose cultures have beendevalued and defaced by those who fear and disregard diversity and freedom.

The inception of the programme took place over many decades. It is considered thatformal articulation materialized at the Ashok Hotel, New Delhi over March 28-31, 2015which saw the coming together of a unique representation of stakeholders andprotagonists of creative and cultural enterprises from across the Sasian region andabroad to conclude a shared sense of critical issues of culture, identity and well-beingin a changing world. The effort is being steered by the Asian Heritage Foundation(AHF) and Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), in association with theSmithsonian Institution, USA, has scheduled a trajectory of events led by theSmithsonian’s Folklife programme in July 2018 on the National Mall, Washington DC.

Volunteers energy, drive and passion provide the fuel for many great initiatives.