Apni Kahani, Apni Zubaani (Our Stories, Our Voices) (2005 and ongoing)

Apni Kahani, Apni Zubaani (Our Stories, Our Voices) (2005 and ongoing)

An initiative where people narrated their life stories through their own skills andinnovation. The three exhibitions were:

Gobar Shakti, an exhibition of sculptures in dung, natural and recycled fibre createdby women and men in Kurukshetra, Haryana, representing the challenges of being borna woman in India. A preview and auction of these works was held on InternationalWomen’s Day, 2005.

Nishan, an open letter to the Prime Minister scripted by families of Jhara bell-metalcasters from the village of Ektal in Chattisgarh, talking of their struggles to meet theirbasic needs.

Streedhan, a needle-point enquiry of women’s wealth, conceived as an exhibition ofpatchwork and embroidered saris and shawls from both non-representational andnarrative traditions.

Volunteers energy, drive and passion provide the fuel for many great initiatives.